Creating Dynamic DataList control in C#/ASP.Net
In precise, it can be done by implementing ITemplate interface in System.Web.UI namespace.
In this article, I will explain the construction of dynamic DataList control by building dynamic template columns. Moving forward, I will create dynamic template columns for DataList control specific to the resultset returned by the stored procedure. Template columns for datalist can be created by implementing the interface ITemplate in System.Web.UI namespace. Refer the code listing 1 and class diagram in figure 2 for ITemplate interface
Steps for creating Template class
1. Create a Template class (MyTemplate class, Listing 2 –TemplateClass for DataList) that implements ITemplate interface.
2. Create a constructor for the class that takes ListItemType as argument so that we can determine whether we are constructing HeaderTemplate or ItemTemplate or FooterTemplate. Also we can make it through by exposing ListItemType as public property.
3. Implement the InstantiateIn(Control container) method and construct the corresponding template from the input got from the constructor. Refer the code (Listing 2 –TemplateClass for DataList) for clear understanding.
4. For data binding and child control that requires data binding, create a data binding event to fill the data with the control. This event will be raised after the template items are created with all its controls.
The above 4 steps have been implemented in the code, Listing 2 –TemplateClass for DataList
Constructing Dynamic DataList
The DataList will have Header template with Category Name displayed. For example, if it is displaying ASP.Net article the category name will be ASP.Net. The articles will be displayed in the item template i.e. for every article in the item template we will display the title of the article as a hyperlink that links to the original URL of the article with a description and author name. The footer will show the number of articles present in this category.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataList dl1 = new
DataTable dt = new
DataRow dr;
for (int i = 1; i < 20; i++)
dr = dt.NewRow();
dr["Links"] = "A" + i;
dl1.RepeatDirection = RepeatDirection.Horizontal;
dl1.RepeatColumns = 10;
if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
dl1.HeaderTemplate = new MyTemplate(ListItemType.Header);
dl1.FooterTemplate = new MyTemplate(ListItemType.Footer);
dl1.ItemTemplate = new MyTemplate(ListItemType.Item);
dl1.SelectedItemTemplate = new MyTemplate(ListItemType.SelectedItem);
dl1.Width = Unit.Percentage(100);
dl1.GridLines = GridLines.Both;
dl1.DataSource = dt;
The MyTemPlage Class – This act as the content data binding
public class MyTemplate : ITemplate
ListItemType ItemType;
public MyTemplate(ListItemType _ItemType)
ItemType = _ItemType;
//This is the implentation fo the ITemplate interface
#region ITemplate Members
public void InstantiateIn(Control container)
Literal lc = new
LinkButton lb = new
//Determining which type of ListItem has come header or item etc.
switch (ItemType)
case ListItemType.Header:
lc.Text = "<div id=\"nifty\" class=\"PostCategory\">Header</div>";
lc.DataBinding += new EventHandler(TemplateControl_DataBinding);
lb.DataBinding += new EventHandler(lb_DataBinding);
lb.Text = "<div style='background-color:Red'><A href=DataListTest.aspx >Test Link</a></div> ";
lc.Text = "<div style=\"text-align:right\">Footer</div>";
//Adding to the container - here container is the DataList
void lb_DataBinding(object sender, EventArgs e)
LinkButton lb = (LinkButton)sender;
//Thru lb.NamingContainer the DataList is being determined
DataListItem container = (DataListItem)lb.NamingContainer;
lb.Text = "<div style='background-color:#FFFFCC'><A href=DataListTest.aspx?Val=" + DataBinder.Eval(container.DataItem, "Links") + ">" + DataBinder.Eval(container.DataItem, "Links") + " </a></div> ";
lb.CommandName = "Select";
private void TemplateControl_DataBinding(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
Literal lc = (Literal)sender;
DataListItem container = (DataListItem)lc.NamingContainer;
lc.Text += "<div style='background-color:#FFFFCC'><A href=" + DataBinder.Eval(container.DataItem, "Links") + ">" + DataBinder.Eval(container.DataItem, "Links") + " </a></div> ";
...HaPpY CoDiNg
Partha (Aurum)
Can you pls post the screenshot of what the output should look like. I am getting an error when I click on A1 (link buttons).
ReplyDeleteIt looks like 'Select' event of link button is not raised when I click on the link buttons. Can you email me a working code of above mentioned topic. Thanks!