Health Analyzer states that one or more servers is not responding and on investigation you try to restart the SPTimerV4 service and at that point it sticks in the “Stopping” mode
Open Task Manager, Go to Services and find the SPTimerV4 Service - this will be in the stopping state
Right click the service select Go To Process, this will switch to the process screen and should highlight OWSTIMER.EXE - if you can't see this make sure the Show Processes from all users is ticked and that display it regardless of the account it is running with, Right Click OWSTIMER.EXE and select End Process.
The SharePoint 2010 Timer service should now be showing as Stopped, right click the service and select Start and you should be good to go!
Just in case you need to try and stop and start the timer service from the command line you can also try these:
SharePoint 2010: net stop
SPTimerV4 net start SPTimerV4
I’ve found that this issue happens more during deploying .wsps, the wsps won’t complete unless the timer service on all machines is running correctly.
Thanks for reading..
If you have a more elegant solution/suggestion – please post a comment… I’ll be happy to hear.
...HaPpY CoDiNg
Partha (Aurum)
Thanks Partha